직장인 멘탈 힐링프로그램
힐링교육 프로그램
양.한방의학센터 전화번호
주요프로그램 | 치유프로그램

MBSR (Mindfulness based Stress Reduction) is a stress reduction program developed on the basis of mindfulness meditation using Buddhist images, which was designed and provided in 1979 by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn of the University of Massachusetts. This composite mind and body medical program and medical meditation healing program that was scientifically verified by the world's leading medical schools and institutes helps participants experience breathing training, physical relaxing training, cognitive yoga, understanding/ controlling stress, peaceful communication method, practicing meditation in everyday life, understanding the mind and body relationship and understanding breathing with the key focus placed on cognitive observation training.

- Improve stress handling ability
- Alleviate the symptoms of or treat various mental disorders, such as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, sleep disorder, eating disorder and various addictions as well as breast cancer and prostate cancer
- Alleviate the symptoms of and prevent/ treat stress-induced chronic diseases, such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases


- Music therapy to prevent and care for senile dementia and depression by playing the musical instruments and percussion instruments
- Music appreciation and physical/ body percussion activities using music
- Creating songs and impromptu musical performance for self-expression

Music therapy to prevent senile dementia
- Effects: Activate physical functions and improve overall cognitive function
Music therapy for depression caused by repressed anger or stress
- Effects: Relive stress, alleviate tension and bring emotional stability


- This is a mind & body healing program created by integrating mind reading technique to the stress reduction program developed in 1979 by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and now introduced to and operated in around 700 medical institutes around the world. This program deals with a variety of contents ranging from building stress and emotion control abilities to meditation for forgiveness and benevolence, controlling anger and understanding how our mind works.
- Participants can escape from stress and sufferings and their mind and body will become relaxed and bright. Even the symptoms of various diseases will be alleviated or treated. Everyone can learn it easily regardless of their gender and religion.

In addition to treating patients' diseases, this program helps the general public increase their stress handling abilities, escape from anxiety, phobia, worries and dissatisfaction and thus enjoy peace of mind and successful interpersonal relationship. In addition, this program helps participants overcome physical and mental pains.


- Integrated art therapy program applied with an efficient psychotherapy techniques that helps people suffering from mental difficulties resolve them and improve their social abilities, understand themselves and others better and handle their conflicts and difficulties
- Share your hidden experiences and language. This will be a special journey to find yourself.

Through the program, participants can improve their sociality and understand themselves and others better as they are provided with social circumstances where they can share their interests and support each other. Recognition when obtaining qualifications for art psychotherapist, counselor for senior citizens, counselor for the youth and counselor for school violence


- Healing program for people living in the contemporary era who suffer from chronic diseases and various syndromes to find themselves by discovering the lost body language (theory, experience, healing tour)
- Targets: The general public (found to be subject to health management as a result of health examination), persons suffering from chronic diseases (hypertension and diabetes, etc.), cancer and their families

Integrated healing tour for physical, mental, social and spiritual health where participants can improve abilities to understand their bodies and physical symptoms and also for continuous response to physical changes that take place over the course of life Healing tour for physical, mental, social and spiritual health


- Persons aiming to become instructors of art psychotherapy through paper craft
- Persons majoring in counseling and studies relating to senior citizens who
- wish to work in areas of senior citizen education

Persons who have completed each course can obtain Korea Origami Association Instructor Level 2, Instructor Level 1 and Professional Instructor qualifications.

- Perform as an instructor of art psychotherapy for senior citizens through paper craft in culture centers and residents; centers
- Perform as a professional instructor in welfare centers, nursing homes, senior citizens education organizations and care units nationwide


Participants understand themselves as to who they are and how they are to live their lives through the activities of book art and book binding and also by experiencing thematic programs to create their own books. Participants can heal their emotions just by enjoying daily activities.

Change awareness by building relationship with others and recognize oneself here & now by improving self-esteem


- A journey to the profound and vibrant world of tea
- Learn the etiquette of tea ceremony, Korea's traditional culture, and find tranquility in yourself through the shower of spirit with tea
- Understanding tea by making and drinking six tea varieties
- Learning the culture of Dashik (tea food)

- Open and learn your own tea shop
- Qualification to apply for the tea culture and etiquette instructor qualification exam
- Perform as a tea etiquette instructor
- Tea sommelier, tea master (beginners, elementary, intermediate and advanced)


- It is meditation to take a look into yourself through tea.
- You will grow conscious of colors, sounds, scents, tastes and touches
- through the act of drinking tea as a way of meditation.
- Tea ceremony meditation
- Colorful tea meditation
- Color meditation
- Scent meditation
- Taste meditation
- Sacrificial meditation

- Fast healing and growth of the mind and body, increased wisdom and happiness
- Positive change of character, increased immunity

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