고혈압 식사요법
당뇨병 식사요법
양.한방의학센터 전화번호
영양클리닉 | 힐링푸드
암예방 효과가 예상되는 13가지 식품군
Classification Applicant food
Liliaceae onion, garlic, chives, leek
Brassicaceae cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, turnip, brussel sprout
Solanaceae tomato, eggplant, bell pepper, potato
Apiaceae carrot, celery, parsnip, parsley, water dropwort
Cucurbitaceae cucumber, melon, pumpkin
Compositae burdock, crown daisy
Citrus orange, lemon, grapefruit
Berry blueberry, rubus coreanus
Mushroom shiitake, enokitake, pine mushroom, tree ear
Seaweed fusiformis, sea mustard, kelp
Grain, beans, seedmeal brown rice, whole meal, barley, oats, soybean, kidney bean, olive
Spice ginger, turmeric, rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, mugwort, licorice,
mint, oregano, sesame, beefsteak plant
Preferred food green tea, black tea, oolong tea, hot chocolate
암의 종류에 따른 식품성분과 음식
Types of cancer Ingredients of food
Stomach cancer Curcumin: pigment in curry or mustard, restrain activity of active oxygen and improve immunity
Vitamin C: contained by fruit and vegetables, such as citrus fruits, tomato, and spinach, and plays important role in prevent cancer occurrence
Catechin: astringent taste in green tea, and eliminates helicobacter pylori
Allicin: contained by garlic and eliminates stomach cancer and tumor.
Lung cancer Vitamin(A, B₁.B₂): prevent cancer, Vitamin A is contained by spinach and carrot, and vitamin B₁.B₂ are in eel.
Catechin: contained by tea, such as green tea and black tea, suppress cancer occurrence, and disturb progress of cancer.
Isothiocyanate: abound in brassicaceae, such as cabbage and broccoli, prevents lung cancer.
Liver cancer Protein: contained by corbicula, manila clam, stimulates liver function by helping regeneration of liver cell.
Taurine: contained by corbicula, manila and octopus, detoxifying liver and bowels다.
Vitamin C: recover from fatigue by hypohepatia, and stimulates activity of liver and bowels.
B-glucan: Contained in mushrooms and yeasts, b-glucan weakens cancer cells by increasing immunity.
Colorectal cancer Dietary fiber: contained by burdock, bamboo shoot, and apple, helps defecate, and suppress cancer occurrence by reducing contact time of cancer causing agent and intestine
Carotin: contained by spinach and carrot, have effect on anti-tumor, and suppress cancer occurrence .
Zingerone: ingredients of ginger, prevent oxidation of fat.
EPA, DHA: contained by external blue colored fish, suppress cancer occurrence .
Alpha linolenic acid: contained by perilla oil, seawdd, and fish oil, suppress cancer occurrence. .
Oligosaccharide: prevent expose of intestine cell to cancer causing agent by eliminating intestine cancer causing agent during fermentation. .
Colorectal cancer Polyphenol: especially the rind of apple has a lot of it, and is told that have inhibitive action on each stage such as occurrence and proliferation of cancer by result of animal testing..
Curcumin: pigment in curry or mustard, suppress or constrict cancer tumor.
Uterine cancer Carotin: contained by carrot and bell pepper, became a cause of cervical cancer when insufficient. .
Vitamin C: lack of vitamin c is one of reasons of cervical cancer.
DHA: suppress occurrence of female cancer.
Prostate cancer Flavonoid: Contained in beans, pumpkins and cabbages, flavonoid prevents blood clotting.
Lycopene: contained by tomato and water melon, prevents prostate cancer .
Breast cancer Flavonoid: keep balance of hormone
DHA: Contained by external blue colored fish, such as mackerel pike, yellow tail, and mackerel, and prevent cancer produce of cell
Alpha linolenic acid: contained by perilla oil and seawdd, prevent cancer produce of cell.
Bladder cancer isothiocyanate: It is formed when cut, chew and digest brassicaceae plants such as broccoli
Laryngeal cancer Vitamin A: contained by spinach and carrot, builds up cell membrane healthily and reinforce mucous membrane of throat
Zinc: contained by oyster, meat, cheese, and sesame, reinforce mucous membrane and improve immunity.
Esophageal cancer Vitamin A: balances nutrition
Vitamin C: prevent occurrence of esophageal cancer
Skin cancer Vitamin C: prevent pigmentation, and help metabolism of skin
암을 예방하는 식습관과 조리법
Eating habit
① Moderate amount of meal
② Intake enough nutrition by balanced menu with selecting variety of foods
③ Intake foods that contain polyphenol, fiber, and vitamin a lot
④ Avoid processed food that contains plenty amount of slat, fat, and food additive,
   and alcohol
⑤ Cool down when eating hot food, and chew as slowly as possible when eating.
① Water soluble vitamin© - good to take as it is fresh
    Fat soluble vitamin(A,DE) take after heated
    Cook with priority of high contented ingredients when both water soluble vitamin
    and fat soluble vitamin are contained at the same time.
② It is good way to select cuisine of stew or boil.
③ It is good to not select tea fried in excessively high temperature, when selecting tea.
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